Author Archives: Ken Kinard
Portrait of Creativity
An inside look at a photographer’s creative process. Continue reading
Place Value: A Creativity Labs Experiment
What happens when you leave the familiar behind and throw yourself into the middle of a new locale? Maybe something creative… Continue reading
In Good Taste
Taste and smell—so connected, so useful in the creative process. And delicious too! Continue reading
The Eyes Have It
How can food as art help us see in a new way? Watch us play. Continue reading
Did You Hear That?
What can we discover about the pathway of hearing that can make us more creative? Continue reading
Capture This
You know those creative ideas you have in the shower that you forget by the time you dry off? What if you could capture them? Continue reading
Serious Play Date
Do you ever feel that your creative reserves are down? Maybe it’s time for a serious play date. Continue reading
Honoring Your Space
How does where you are affect what you create? Continue reading
This Better Be Good
When you sit down to create something new, do you hear voices? Continue reading
My Journal
3 pages a day of whatever. Just keep writing. Every morning. Fill up a notebook. Then another. And see what happens.